Sunday, April 8, 2007


I went to website, it was small company talking about tornado information available to tornado and severe weather. I saw in this website many ways to know about tornado. On the left side in the website is available post, it was clear to see or read something about it. Also you can find some books,videos,stories and tee-shirts. In the part of past tornado the frist one I saw it, was April 11,1896. The united state gets about 1000 recorded tornado every day. Today, only a few killers. When you enter this website you can buy some tee-shirts, this interesting. The tornado project have been doing this 1970.
My opinion, it was very good website and well-ordered to find know or find some information about the rornado. I will try find some tee-shirt on written tornado. I saw the top tens in the tornado, and you can see also the rate for victimes people. I know some ways for tornado when the tornado coming and you inside the bulding you should go to besment and stay far away from the wendo or go to bathroom because in the bathroom pipes, and if you inside you'r car go outside you'r car stay far away. Most the people who killed from tornado who didn't know or not care about it, that's wrong you have to learn and ask some people about tornado. By the way in last week the warning about tornado worked and we was in the TOFEL class with mr.Levertt than mr.Levertt said to us we should go to besment than we went there and we found some people who are studying about the weather, than they open the internt and tell us iuctre about tornado, it's not in Carbondale after 40 min we left from the fenner.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Alternatives to Marriage

I went to a website, it's talking about the people who are living togther,living alone. There are currently about 11 million people living with a unmarried partner in the United State. The statistics`for American women's age 15-44 living an unmarried it's 41%. Unmarried different- sex couples, In the 2006, new statistics from alarge sample shaw that the majority 50.3% of adults are unmarried. In this article sttill talking about what people think about unmarried relationships. In this website also, you can buy something for a ligle guide for unmarried couples or legal guide for Lesbian and Gay gouples, they have some book talking about them. Also this is good point for this website you can contact to Alternatives marriage project. Finaly, I weil talking about the people living single like me, the a guarter of American adults live alone, if you want see some books for single you can visit this website and make the links for that.

When I read this website I learned a lot of people how they living in thier life. Defferent part of people some of them single,married, and I saw a lot of percet for the peolpe living alone or unmarried espicailty in United State. Also, interesting when you conect withe this people in this website or buy something. In fact I never been try that but, it was very nice.